Civic health encompasses all the ways citizens are connected with one another, with their institutions, and with other organizations and groups. Those connections matter: strong civic health is correlated with stronger economies, better student outcomes, better physical health, and greater resilience.
Communities can strengthen their civic health by building better civic infrastructure, which helps people make decisions and solve problems together.
Measuring civic health is critical for understanding where you are now, planning where you want to go, and gauging progress on the way. The National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) and our Civic Health Initiative tools can help.

Using all three tools, NCoC can work with state and local partners to develop broad networks of stakeholders to support a comprehensive and locally-driven civic health initiative.
Want to get involved and learn more about the civic health of your community?
We’re inviting new and existing Civic Health Initiative partners from across the country to join us to better understand the civic health of their community and our country.
Contact Matt Leighninger at matt@ncoc.org or Jeff Coates at jeff@ncoc.org.