About the National Conference on Citizenship

The National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) is a congressionally chartered nonprofit dedicated to advancing civic life in America.  NCoC was chartered by Congress in 1953 to harness the patriotic energy and civic involvement surrounding World War II. 

NCoC pursues its mission through a nationwide network of partners involved in a wide range of programming focused on civic health, data, youth participation, misinformation, and more. Read more about our programs.

Every year, NCoC hosts the Annual Conference on Citizenship to advance principles and practices of civic engagement with leaders and experts from across the country. Throughout the year, NCoC partners with institutions to host and convene programs, events, webinars, and discussions with a focus on full participation in our democracy.

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View Civic Health Data by State

In 2009, NCoC was incorporated into the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act to expand the national civic health assessment in partnership with AmeriCorps and the US Census Bureau. Today, the Civic Health Index draws upon data from the US Census Current Population Survey’s Voting, Volunteering, and Civic Engagement supplements. Data collection is made possible by funding from AmeriCorps. NCoC has developed partnerships with states in blue to use data-driven approaches that strengthen civic health.

View Our Full Summary of Partnership Opportunities

2023 Annual Conference on Citizenship - The Future of Citizenship

A Look Back at Our 2023 Keynote Event

What are the impacts of tech and artificial intelligence on democracy? What can we expect for the future of citizenship in America? This Conference was held in partnership with the National Civic League to answer these questions and more with civic leaders from across the country.

Browse the Recap on the 2023 Annual Conference

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