October 26, 2010

First–ever research examining the strength of Missouri’s social network and its impact on community engagement WASHINGTON, DC – October 26, 2010 – A report released today by Missouri State University and the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) finds that while Missouri out–performs national trends for volunteering, community engagement and voter turnout, some forms of civic involvement, such as one–on–one interactions with neighbors, may be waning. The Missouri Civic Health Index is the first of its kind and is designed to help the state document the health of Missouri’s civic sector. The report follows the September release of the report Civic Life in America: Key Findings on the Civic Health of the Nation , a report released jointly by NCoC and the Corporation for National and Community Service, which provides an annual measure of civic habits, much as the government measures economic behavior. “Usually we think of our society’s health in terms of the markets and government,” said Michael Stout, report author and assistant professor at Missouri State University. “But this report looks at the social fabric of our society: the social networks that are key to providing access to collective resources needed to address Missouri’s problems.” Research showed that Missouri’s college graduates are five times more likely to volunteer than those without high school diplomas, and are nine times as likely to attend a public meeting. Household income levels also influence volunteering rates, with those in households with incomes of $75,000 or more having a 23% higher volunteer rate than those with incomes lower than $35,000.However, Missouri families with incomes less than $35,000 are twice as likely to do favors for their neighbors than those among families with incomes greater than $75,000. And, Missourians without a college education are significantly more likely than their peers in other states to be a member of and hold a leadership position in a social group. Thus, Missouri has a stronger blue–collar base for civic participation than most other states have. “In Missouri, as in other states across our nation, we find those with the least means doing the most for neighbors and community,” said David B. Smith, Executive Director of NCoC. “This report helps us to define modern citizenship as we examine how government, business, and citizens can work together to foster a civil society.” The report identifies statewide efforts to foster civic engagement including improved voting procedures, the establishment of the Missouri Community Service Commission and the Missouri Service–Learning Regional Centers, and a statewide civics test required in public schools. However, the report finds that while the state performs relatively well on several civic health indicators, including voter turnout and volunteering, the economy and looming cuts to higher education may undercut the ability for many within Missouri’s middle class to pursue civic engagement. “Missouri has had an established middle–class linked to our manufacturing and construction sectors. As these workers are displaced, they need to be retrained or re–educated for employment in the growing service sector,” said Stout. “Otherwise the state could experience extended periods of joblessness, which would undermine trust in public institutions and private companies and dampen enthusiasm for civic participation.” Key Research Findings The report includes economic, geographic and generational analysis to see how income, place and age may affect our contributions to community. Findings include: •The Springfield metro area had higher rates of voter turnout and volunteering than Kansas City or St. Louis, and led when it came to working with neighbors to fix something in their community. St. Louis leads when it comes to group participation, with Kansas City having the highest percentage of residents who talk to neighbors frequently. However, non–metro area residents were more likely to talk with neighbors than those in urban areas. •There is a strong positive relationship between education and the frequency with which people talk to friends and family via the Internet – those with college degrees are 53 percent more likely to talk frequently than those with a high school diploma. •Volunteering in Missouri generally increases across generations, with Millennials (ages 16–30) having the lowest rates of volunteering. Baby Boomers (ages 46–64) are most likely to attend a public meeting, with Millennials also the least likely to do so. •Overall, Missouri follows national trends closely in the portion of people who participate in civil society (60.1 percent non–participants, 31.9 percent participants, and 8.0 percent leaders). Within the leader segment, 27.7 percent have never been to college, which is 10 percent higher than the national average, which seems to suggest that Missouri’s civic leadership is more diverse in education and social class. Declines in manufacturing, construction, and transportation jobs may weaken the economic foundation for civic participation by blue–collar members of Missouri’s middle class. And likely deep cuts in state funding for higher education will present challenges for education future civic leaders in the state. The complete report, “2010 Missouri Civic Health Assessment,” is available online at http://ncoc.net/mochi2010. The report is based upon an independent analysis by Missouri State University’s Sociology Program which was further supported by the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) analysis of the Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data. A series of conferences will be held statewide and on the campus of Missouri State University in late winter/early spring of 2011 to discuss the findings and implications for the state. “This is a starting point for how Missourians can work together across the state to foster a healthy civic environment,” said Michael Weiser, Chairman of the National Conference on Citizenship and Missouri University alum. “While the report raises a lot of questions, there is a lot to be proud of. However, a tough economy is going to continue to demand tough answers and we should be aware of how those decisions will impact our civic fabric.” About Missouri State University Missouri State University is a public university system with an enrollment of more than 20,000 students who come from Missouri, more than 40 other states and about 70 countries. There are four physical campuses, located in Springfield, Mo.; West Plains, Mo.; Mountain Grove, Mo.; and Dalian, China. The university’s collaboration with the National Conference on Citizenship is a reflection of the community engagement pillar of its public affairs mission. Students can follow their passion and find their place at Missouri State University. About National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) Founded in 1946 and chartered by the U.S. Congress in 1953, the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) is a leader in strengthening our nation’s civic health. In partnership with over 250 organizations, NCoC tracks, measures, and promotes civic participation. Through this work, NCoC helps define modern citizenship in America. More information can be found at NCoC.net.