December 13, 2010
Gov. Brad Henry Associated Press Published: December 13, 2010 You don’t need a study to know that Oklahomans value their families and are always ready and willing to help a neighbor in need. Still, it is nice when a report comes along to confirm what’s great about Oklahoma while pointing to ways to make our communities even stronger. Earlier this month, the Oklahoma Civic Health Index 2010 was released. The report is the result of a partnership between the National Conference on Citizenship, the University of Central Oklahoma, Oklahoma Campus Compact, and the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. The report found that 92.3 percent of all Oklahomans eat dinner with their families at least a few times a week, ranking our state 5th in the nation. That’s no surprise considering so many Oklahomans share a deep faith and a commitment to strong families. Oklahoma ranked 19th among the states in the percentage of people who volunteered in 2009 and 20th in the number of Oklahomans who help their neighbors. Oklahomans have always been caring and generous people. We look after one another and pull together in times of need. Still, the Oklahoma Civic Health Index showed some areas where Oklahomans can do better. The state ranked 36th in voter registration and 45th in voter turnout. As Americans, we are blessed with the right and responsibility to choose our leaders. Being a part of that discussion, learning about the issues and the candidates, then getting to the polls is a vital part of the health of any state or community. Communities thrive and succeed not because of what happens at the State Capitol or in Washington, D.C. Communities succeed when residents become citizens by participating in their government, getting involved and working with friends and neighbors toward a common goal. The Oklahoma Civic Health Index offers great information on how Oklahomans excel in civic life and offers a guide to building stronger communities. To read the full report, visit If you have questions or comments, please write me at the Office of the Governor, Room 212, Oklahoma City OK 73105 or visit the ”Contact the Governor” section of my website,