September 28, 2010
The 65th Annual National Conference on Citizenship was held September 17, 2010 in the Library of Congress. Thank you to Congressman James Clyburn for his generous sponsorship of the Library space and our event sponsors Target and the Case Foundation.
The program featured a keynote conversation with Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, panels moderated by Judy Woodruff and Michael Weiser, and presentation of the Joseph H. Kanter Citizen of the Year Award to TIME Magazine Managing Editor Rick Stengel. Program participants were invited to Tweet, Blog, FlipCam, and photograph their experience, which is chronicled here.
- Participants: 450
- Online viewers: 190
- Tweets generated by participants: 2,849
- Tweet reach: 973,550 people for 9.7 million impressions
- Blogs posted: 7 (and counting)
- Photographs taken: 1200
- Newly naturalized citizens: 23
Hundreds of individuals contributed thousands of Tweets which deeply enriched the conversation happening across the country, and brought the message of the power of civic engagement to hundreds of thousands of people. Here's a rolling stream of recent Tweets with the #NCoC hashtag:
While having a historic record of the online conversation can be challenging, a collection of some of the Tweets generated during the Conference is available on our Facebook page.
Check out these articles and blogs, written by NCoC participants and speakers:
- ''Citizens Create Their Own Marching Orders,'' writes Judy Woodruff of PBS NewsHour.
- The Case Foundation asked ''What will it take to start a BIG Citizenship Revolution?'' and took some great interviews with civic leaders– add your thoughts.
- Peter Levine reflects on seeing Justice Ginsburg at the National Conference on Citizenship.
- And thanks to the Justice and the Thicket at State Legislatures for reminding us that ''Enduring Institutions Need Enduring Support''.
- An American/French/Lebanese Catholic University student, Kirstie Murr shares her International Student Perspective on Citizenship
- We are honored associate Kayla Gutierrez' ''Introduction to Civic Engagement in the District'' was a positive one.
- Nick Troiano wrote a great ''Recap: Civic Innovators Forum'' about the NCoC pre-conference event co-hosted with the Case Foundation, PACE, and Splashlife.
Check out this slideshow of pictures from the event.
For more images, including those from the Civic Innovators Forum, please visit us on Facebook. Did you take photos? Upload them to a fan album and we may use them in our Annual Report!
Thanks to the power of the Internet, the Conference was streamed live online and individuals across the country were able to participate virtually. Shout-out to the University of Central Oklahoma for streaming it from their Campus in recognition of Constitution Day! Thanks also to our friends at the Case Foundation who embedded the live stream feed on their website.