Congratulations to our friends at Youth Service America (YSA) for their successful 22nd annual Global Youth Service Day, celebrating children and youth who improve their communities through service and service-learning.
From April 23-25, millions of children and youth around the world partnered with family, friends, schools, community and faith-based organizations, media, corporations, and public officials to make a positive impact locally, nationally, and globally.
The estimated dollar value of volunteer time for 2009 is $20.85 per hour, according to nonprofit association group Independent Sector. This represents a 60 cent increase over the previous year.
Reuters article promotes poll by United Healthcare and VolunteerMatch that finds 84 percent of people agree that volunteering improves physical health, and 95 percent said it may also have emotional benefits
John Bridgeland and Alah Khazei in the Huffington Post on the role of national service to bridge the employment gap and invest in our people at low cost to the taxpayer.
“It’s been said that our true calling in life is where our heart’s greatest gladness meets the world’s deepest need,” said First Lady Michelle Obama as she launched the White House’s initiative, United We Serve at the National Conference on Volunteering and Service.
United We Serve aims to both expand the impact of existing organizations and encourage volunteers to develop their own "do-it-yourself" projects. The administration has created an online service portal,, where volunteers can connect to organizations, post projects of their own designing, and share stories.
Corporation photo by M.T. Harmon, Office of Public Affairs
It’s no secret that our economy is in deep trouble and that various options for its rescue and resuscitation have been a topic of strenuous debate for months. Banks and the auto industry have received billions, both having made the case, at least to government leaders, that they are too important to the American economy to fail.
In a recent New York Times article John Bridgeland points out the magnitude of non-profits on the nation’s economy. Should government invest in non-profits as part of TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program)?
Let us know what you think. Read more and leave a comment.
Points of Light Institute ensures that there are volunteer and community participation opportunities for people throughout the country and increasingly, around the world.
The tanking economy is taking its toll. Personal income in America decreased $25.3 billion, or 0.2 percent, in the month of December according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Disposable personal income decreased $25.1 billion, or 0.2 percent, that same month. In the non-profit sector, foundation endowments are down 30% according to the Council on Foundations.