October 26, 2018
Last week, more than 300 individuals keen on addressing our democracy at the 2018 Annual Conference on Citizenship gathered in Washington, D.C., at the Marriott Marquis. It was an amazing two days that saw passionate conversations, enriching speakers, and excitement booming from attendees. Here is a conference recap from It’s Your Democracy!
Following the Bridge Alliance Education Summit and the Civic Health Index working group meetings, the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) kicked off its annual conference in earnest with an opening night reception at the Marriott Marquis in Washington D.C.
‘An active, engaged and committed citizenry’ is not only the ideal and the goal—it’s the only way because #ItsYourDemocracy. pic.twitter.com/XG9KOt501p
— Jean Westrick (@JeanWestrick) October 17, 2018
Excited to be part of @NCoC kicking off today. #bethepeople because our democracy is resilient and strong #itsyourdemocracy
— JSA (@jsajuniorstate) October 17, 2018
After an exciting time networking and meeting new partners, the main program kicked off in the main ballroom as NCoC CEO, Sterling Speirn, opened the night with his remarks.
Starting the NCOC conference is so exciting! #ItsYourDemocracy pic.twitter.com/2cR8H1VN2F
— Kerry Sautner, Ed.D. (@ksautner) October 17, 2018
One of the most indelible memories from the conference came on the first night, when the 2018 HOOAH Award winner was announced. The HOOAH award is presented annually by NCoC to recognize distinguished former service members who empower the next generation of military veterans to continue to serve beyond their time in uniform. “Hooah” refers to the U.S. Army battle cry used by soldiers and airmen. Brenda “Sue” Fulton, a United States Military Academy graduate and longtime advocate for LGBTQ rights, was the recipient of the 2018 HOOAH award. Fulton is a 1980 West Point graduate and member of the first class of the USMA to admit women. Fulton was honorably discharged at the rank of Captain before becoming an integral founding member and leader in advocacy groups instrumental in overturning the U.S. military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy and ban on transgender service members. Fulton is currently the Chair and Chief Administrator of the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, making her the first openly gay member of a New Jersey state cabinet.
Sue Fulton winning the #hooah award at Natl Conference in Citizenship “if we speak up, we can change things for the better” @NCoC @BrdgAllianceUS #itsyourdemocracy pic.twitter.com/eDenuYKu37
— Kamy Akhavan (@kamyakhavan) October 17, 2018
As citizens we have two superpowers: our vote and our voice— Sue Falton (2018 HOOH Award recipient) #itsyourdemocracy @NCoC
— JSA (@jsajuniorstate) October 17, 2018
Be inspired to be civic leader #HOOAH #ItsYourDemocracy @NCoC pic.twitter.com/fnlgSRzy7U
— Empowered To Run (@EmpoweredToRun) October 17, 2018
With conference attendees fully energized from Sue Fulton’s award acceptance speech, it was time for our keynote speakers, James and Deborah Fallows, authors of Our Towns: A 100,000-Mile Journey into the Heart of America. The Fallows shared reflections from the book, including local stories and voices from around the country.
So pleased to hear from Jim and Deborah Fallows talk abt their book “Our Towns” #ItsYourDemocracy @DelCommunity pic.twitter.com/BaAFvVeMwY
— Stuart Comstock-Gay (@StuComstockGay) October 17, 2018
Inspired by James & Deb Fallows talking about ingredients for success in small communities – people know their civic story, can identify local patriots, and have or are near a community college. Their book “Our Towns” is full of other practical ideas. #ItsYourDemocracy
NCOC. pic.twitter.com/Mbj67ytYJa— Janet Harris (@JanetHarrisAR) October 17, 2018
The night closed with the Fallows signing books for attendees.
We reconvened the next morning with time for conversation and fellowship before hearing from a brilliant line up of speakers. NCoC CEO Sterling Speirn welcomed everyone and introduced Mark Gerzon, author of Reuniting the States of America, who shared insights and reflections from the book and the state of affairs in the country.
Opening address for the @NCoC Conference by Sterling Speirn, CEO.#ItsYourDemocracy pic.twitter.com/dd17KEP1sU
— iCivics (@icivics) October 18, 2018
Listening to Mark Gerzon, author of “The Reunited States is America” #NCOC2018 #ItsYourDemocracy pic.twitter.com/9tjXUTkOZ9
— LWVSt.PetersburgArea (@LWVSPA) October 18, 2018
TPAC’s Rachel Barbour listens to speaker Mark Gerzon, author of Reunited States of America, How We Can Bridge the Partisan Divide speaking at NCoS #ItsYourDemocracy @BrdgAllianceUS @BigTentNation @NCoC pic.twitter.com/YAkJYZApKb
— Trailblazers PAC (@TrailblazersPAC) October 18, 2018
The next session of the day saw author Anne Snyder report on her research and forthcoming book, The Fabric of Character: A Wise Giver’s Guide to Renewing Our Social and Moral Landscape. The session, which was titled “Be a Citizen,” drew great interest from conference attendees.
“What is our freedom for? How do we create communities where the ecology is for the good?” Anne Snyder @PhilanthropyRnd at #ItsYourDemocracy
— PACE Funders (@PACEfunders) October 18, 2018
“A new spirit is rising up in cities and towns, some of it’s angry and some of it’s pain, but with in that there is a clarity of hope renewing the path to citizenship and community.” —Anne Snyder, forthcoming author of “The Fabric of Character.” #ItsYourDemocracy pic.twitter.com/4CQMziYYQs
— Jean Westrick (@JeanWestrick) October 18, 2018
Anne Snyder captured the crowd’s imagination with her presentation about hope in the nation. After which, high school students and teachers from the District of Columbia and Alabama reported on efforts to lower the voting age to 16, to increase school funding, and to make civics come alive inside and outside the classroom during the session entitled, “Youth Civic Engagement.” Students took to the stage to share inspiring stories, ideas, and thoughtful concerns, and they gave voice to an emerging group of citizens.
It’s happening!!!! 👸🏼❤️🇺🇸 #studentvoiceteam #itsyourdemocracy @ Marriott Marquis Washington, DC https://t.co/rM1NmzAusa
— charissa lambert (@queenlambo) October 18, 2018
“We wanted students to have a voice in the decisions that affect us.”
Great to hear from this group of young people from DC and Alabama this morning at the @NCoC conference #itsyourdemocracy pic.twitter.com/J51BtOpb3U— PACE Funders (@PACEfunders) October 18, 2018
This is what we came for! @NCoC students taking action and making their voices heard. Now let us help you register your peers to VOTE! #inspire2vote #itsyourdemocracy @FredHinojosa03 pic.twitter.com/jkfgZilxWU
— Inspire U.S. (@inspire2vote) October 18, 2018
Let’s lower the voting age to 16 in DC! @Vote16DC #itsyourdemocracy “A Democracy works best when more people vote 🗳” pic.twitter.com/lHuiJID0JA
— Campus Vote Project (@CampusVote) October 18, 2018
Teachers are an important piece of the democracy puzzle. Tiffany says it was her teacher who supported her and inspired her to really understand how the education system works and how citizens can make changes in that system through civic engagement.#ItsYourDemocracy #Vote16DC pic.twitter.com/99nJ33dysx
— iCivics (@icivics) October 18, 2018
Getting time to meet new people and talk in between helps forge new bonds and create great learning experiences. We returned to the conference format to hear from Karen Lieberman, Coalition for Campaign Finance Reform, and John Bonifaz, Free Speech for People, leading off a panel discussion on campaign finance reform with a case study from citizens in action in St. Petersburg, Florida. The case study was captured in the form of video.
So proud of Karen Lieberman and John Bonifaz! We were proud to be part of the #DefendOurDemocracy Coalition. Karen and John are presenting at NCOC 2018. #GetBigMoneyOutOfPolitics #LWVSPA #ItsYourDemocracy #NCOC2018 pic.twitter.com/kjevcyumvH
— LWVSt.PetersburgArea (@LWVSPA) October 18, 2018
When you’re taking on big money, you need a mass movement of people. #ItsYourDemocracy @FSFP
— Jean Westrick (@JeanWestrick) October 18, 2018
The 2018 Annual Conference on Citizenship featured three different award sessions, first kicked off by the HOOAH Award and Sue Fulton’s energizing speech the previous night. After “Money in and out of Politics” it was time for the second award session: The 2018 Civvys! The Civvys seek a range of projects, programs, and people that use civic collaboration best practices to achieve real results in facilitating dialogue, enabling cross-partisan action, or putting civility and community above ideology.
The Civvys were awarded in four categories:
- National: These projects are nationwide in scope and audience.
- Local: These projects are designed to serve a local, state or regional community.
- Youth: These projects have a focus on children, teenagers or young adults.
- Political: This category celebrates collaborative political leadership, problem solving and campaigns.
To present the awards, NCoC welcomed Caroline Klibanoff and Brian Clancy from Big Tent Nation. The following winners were announced:
- National Winner – iCivics
- Local Winners – The El-Hindi Center for Dialogue at Interfaith Works &Colorado State University Center for Public Deliberation
- Youth Winner – First Vote NC
- Political Winner – Maine Ranked Choice Voting Education Effort
- Committee Choice Award – Montevallo Junior City Council
Congrats to all finalists for the CIVVYS award and special congrats to @FirstVote_NC for receiving the Youth Civvys award! #itsyourdemocracy #civvys @NCoC pic.twitter.com/gzURqOylwX
— Inspire U.S. (@inspire2vote) October 18, 2018
Congrats to @icivics and for receiving the @NCoC Civvy’s Award for their national work advancing civic learning through a non-partisan approach. @GatorCitizen accepts on @louise_dube’s behalf #CivicXNow #ItsYourDemocracy pic.twitter.com/9NxhbPLkYe
— Shawn Healy (@IllinoisCivics) October 18, 2018
Proud of @JanetHarrisAR and the Winthrop @Rockefeller Institute as finalist for Civvy award @NCoC #itsyourdemocracy pic.twitter.com/5igjBhRZYo
— Marta Loyd (@mmloyd) October 18, 2018
Congrats to Interfaith Works & CO State Univ. Center for Public Deliberation, winners in the local category of the American Civic Collaboration Awards. @Rockefeller is honored to be a finalist & gather with citizens committed to collaboration & dialogue. #itsyourdemocracy @NCoC pic.twitter.com/aIHKqpvwrx
— Janet Harris (@JanetHarrisAR) October 18, 2018
Our Chief Education Officer and Sr. Digital Media Manager are honored to receive this award on behalf of iCivics Executive Director @louise_dube!!!#civvys #civvys2018 #CivXNow #ItsYourDemocracy pic.twitter.com/wXG1UzjnjF
— iCivics (@icivics) October 18, 2018
We believe our students will change the world. Our thanks to every @FirstVote_NC @EducationNC teacher! @NCoC #ItsYourDemocracy pic.twitter.com/vI7bhctZNW
— Mebane Rash (@Mebane_Rash) October 18, 2018
One of the most anticipated awards was up next, the announcement of the Citizen of the Year. Taking to the stage to present the award was former NCoC Interim CEO, Sally Prouty who enthusiastically announced winner G.S. “Mack” McCarter III, founder and coordinator of Community Renewal International (CRI), based in Shreveport, Louisiana.
The Citizen of the Year Award recognizes individuals who use their public presence to inspire others and give back to their community. Mack McCarter was chosen for his leadership and partnership to build hope and renew the spirit of cooperation in every segment of the Shreveport-Bossier, Louisiana, community. Evidence of the CRI’s work can be measured in many ways, perhaps most notably that major crime has dropped an average of 52 percent in areas where they operate Friendship Houses. But, it is his focus on building a system of caring relationships in a community that truly provides the foundation for a strong and successful community.
Prior to Mack accepting his award, attendees saw his work in action through a beautiful video.
After the video, McCarter took the stage and delivered a charismatic and inspiring address.
Well-deserved recognition of Mac McCarter as @NcoC’s Citizen of the Year, presented by our own Sally Prouty. #itsyourdemocracy pic.twitter.com/eK9AM9Mbwi
— PACE Funders (@PACEfunders) October 18, 2018
“Mack” McCarter, @NCoC’s Citizen of the Year, talks about our greatest challenges & how ants can inspire us “in the common capacity to care for one another.” When “a simple act is put into a system it can solve problems …” to move mountains & create change. #ItsYourDemocracy https://t.co/6e83uGo3Sb
— Jean Westrick (@JeanWestrick) October 18, 2018
“A simple act will solve a sophisticated problem! If we took the capacity to care and marched together we could be the generation to make that happen… United in the common capacity to care for each other.”
-Mack McCarter III #wecare #ItsYourDemocracy pic.twitter.com/ay4gQukaul— Mom Of All Capes (@MomOfAllCapes) October 18, 2018
“The power of love can change the volcanic nature of the human heart.” @NCoC Citizen of the Year Mack McCarter. #ItsYourDemocracy pic.twitter.com/bCmuzCx4a1
— Choose Civility (@choosecivility) October 18, 2018
The next session on tap were quick-hitting, rapid-fire, six-minute presentations from several individuals during the “Shark Tank for Civic Entrepreneurs” session. During the session, presenters were asked to present an answer to the question, “How to fix our Democracy?” Each presenter argued why their approach gives us the best chance. Presenters included:
- Zaneeta Daver and Jennifer Domagal-Goldman (All In Campus DemocracyChallenge),
- Scott Greytak (RepresentUS)
- Emma Humphries (iCivics)
- Meredith McGehee (Issue One)
- Manu Meel (BridgeUSA)
- Tom Flanagan (Inclusive Collective Design)
- Ben Gubits (American Promise)
Hearing from many great orgs doing their piece to make our democracy stronger. #ItsYourDemocracy @allintovote #allintovote #inspire2vote pic.twitter.com/pqLXsodoD4
— Inspire U.S. (@inspire2vote) October 18, 2018
A highlight of the It’s Your Democracy afternoon, ushered in, “Democracy Rx: Civic Health Partners.” The session detailed how partners going beyond the Index to transform their communities. Panelists included:
- Matt Daley (Kentucky Secretary of State Office)
- Susan Nold (The University of Texas at Austin)
- Kristi Tate (Center for the Future of Arizona)
- Shawn Healy (McCormick Foundation)
At @NCoC #ItsYourDemocracy, @McCormick_Fdn’s @IllinoisCivics shares how the #CivicHealthIndex found Illinois ‘mediocre’ in most civic health measures, but ‘dead last’ in ‘Trust in Government’; and how the #CHI helped make the case for Civic Learning in the state. pic.twitter.com/Pw2l01CNqL
— Jean Westrick (@JeanWestrick) October 18, 2018
At @NCoC’s #ItsYourDemocracy, @UTAustin’s @Susannold says framing #CivicHealthIndex measures as 1) political participation, 2) community involvement, and 3) social connectiveness helped bring more people into the dialogue about what is necessary for a thriving community. pic.twitter.com/BnuVqkQevc
— Jean Westrick (@JeanWestrick) October 18, 2018
The afternoon also featured Dr. Carolyn J. Lukensmeyer from the National Institute for Civil Discourse sharing a trailer for an upcoming documentary, Civility TV. The documentary chronicles individuals of different political affiliations and ideologies getting together for a social experiment in which individuals engage each other over several days to determine if mutual understanding, middle ground and common beliefs can be found.
The last session of the day featured a return to the Bridge Alliance Education Fund and a report from the previous day’s summit, featuring Bridge Alliance’s Debilyn Molineaux and David Nevins.
#ItsYourDemocracy: @debilynm discusses a ‘National Strategy for Healthy Self Governance’ at @NCoC. pic.twitter.com/Bk7PgMxfZr
— Jean Westrick (@JeanWestrick) October 18, 2018
The conference concluded with hope and gratitude, and a determination to continue strengthening our democracy.
Thank you to the @NCoC team for an engaging and thought-provoking event. Till next year! #ItsYourDemocracy pic.twitter.com/AzUpZxiC56
— PACE Funders (@PACEfunders) October 18, 2018
Two inspiring days in DC at the annual convening of the National Conference on Citizenship, on whose board i’ve served 15 years. Sharing aspirations for our democracy w/dedicated activists, veterans & civic innovators at the municipal, state & national levels. #ItsYourDemocracy
— Phil Duncan (@Civicatalyst) October 21, 2018
Keep checking back to NCoC’s News Feed for more post-conference recaps, reflections, photos and awards.