We’re three weeks away from the 2021 Annual Conference on Citizenship – and the agenda is shaping-up to include an incredible array of civic leaders, activists, and opportunities for collaboration to truly accelerate democracy in America.

Learn more about the agenda and register here

On Thursday, November 11th (Veterans’ Day), we’re hosting some in-depth sessions on the innovations that are transforming democracy with our very own Matt Leighninger. Later, we’ll present the George A. Smith HOOAH Award to a veteran who is redefining citizenship in America. That will be followed by a veteran roundtable moderated by Ken Harbaugh with Emily Cherniak of New Politics, and Eli Wlliamson of Leave No Veteran Behind.  

On Friday, November 12th, we’ll focus on a wide array of civic topics with the experts.This includes combating misinformation, the role of philanthropy in democracy, working towards full participation in our communities, and much more! See the full list of breakout sessions here. Throughout the day, participants will receive performances from the U.S. Youth Poet Laureate and the Citizen of the Year award will be presented.  If you haven’t registered for the event yet, you can do so here through our 2021 Annual Conference page