This 2012 Issue Brief explores the relationship between civic engagement and economic resilience. It finds that the density and type of nonprofit organizations in a community, as well as its social cohesion, are important predictors of that community’s ability to withstand unemployment in a recession.
The 2011 Arizona Civic Health Index offers some surprising results about the state of civics in Arizona.
A 2011 report on the state of civic health in Florida. The findings note state-wide and demographic trends, with a specific focus on the Millennial generation.
A 2011 report on the state of civic health in Massachusetts. Produced in a partnership between NCoC and the Harvard University Institute of Politics.
A 2011 report on the state of civic health in the state of Kentucky. Partners are the Institute for Citizenship and Social Responsibility at Western Kentucky University, the McConnell Center, Kentucky Advocates for Civic Education, and the Kentucky Office of the Secretary of State.
A 2011 report on the state of civic health in the state of Pennsylvania.
New civic health data for the state of Ohio, as well as the cities of Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati.
NCoC’s executive summary of the leading findings from the 2010 Civic Health Assessment, based on research conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau and U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2008 and 2009. This document supplements an issue brief we are jointly releasing with the Corporation for National and Community Service. The joint brief is titled “Civic Life in America: Key Findings on the Civic Health of the Nation.”
A 2009 report on the civic health of the state of Florida.
A 2009 report evaluating the civic health of the state of New Hampshire
A 2009 Civic Health Index for the state of Illinois, produced in partnership with the McCormick Foundation