Oklahoma Women’s Network
December 9, 2010
by Jean Warner
The Oklahoma Civic Health Index is a way to measure Oklahomans’ civic engagement. The first ever report was presented to the state last Thursday. It was prepared by students, faculty and staff at the University of Oklahoma, the National Conference on Citizenship and Oklahoma Campus Compact.
We are sociable; we scored high in eating dinner with family at least a few times per week (90%). We are good neighbors; we scored well in willingness to help a neighbor (in the top 20 states); and we talk about politics with friends and family (ranked in the top third). We also ranked 19th in the nation on volunteering. However, we score poorly in voter turnout and in the limited number of candidates on our ballots.
According to a press release about the Index, the research team that prepared the report included Janelle Grellner, Jan Hardt, Mickey Hepner, Patricia Loughlin and Emily Griffin Overocker of the University of Central Oklahoma; Amanda Biles, Danielle Hernandez, Mengzhu Ji, Ashley Schubert and Brandi Streigel – UCO civic scholars; and Debbie Terlip with the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education in Oklahoma City.