Since 2010, organizations in the state have come together to prepare the Indiana Civic Health Index on four occasions. The focus of this report is to take a closer look at how our civic health has changed over time with a particular focus on voter turnout and registration.
Click here to download the full 2019 Indiana Civic Health Index
Unlike past editions of the Indiana Civic Health Index, this edition includes two specific recommendations for future action. The two recommendations, presented in the final section of the report, outline strategies for expanding and improving civic education programs and opportunities, as well as improving voting rates in Indiana.

“Investing in education, including civic education, leads to higher levels of civic participation for virtually all indicators of civic health,” said the report by former Congressman Lee Hamilton and retired Indiana Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard. “Our challenge will be to devise ways to improve our civic health, build on our unique strengths and interest and recognize the value of education to building strong communities.”