2019 Annual Conference Theme:

Bright Spots: Local Leaders Inspiring Hope in America 

Tuesday, October 29th – 5pm – 8:30 pm

Wednesday, October 30th – 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 pm

College Park, Maryland – 20 Miles from Downtown Washington D.C.

Co-hosted partnership with The University of Maryland School of Public Policy

Pre-Conference Summits and Workshops will be held for Bridge Alliance members and CHI partners. If you are interested in these events, more information on those events below.

Agenda and Programming

The 2019 Annual Conference on Citizenship programming seeks to enable NCoC to catalyze a nationwide movement for full participation over the course of the next decade. Conference attendees will work together to drive forward the following priorities: 

  • Collectively growing the largest network in the nation committed to full participation: Building the largest network devoted to full political participation in the US with campaigns to support local leaders developing community specific voting and census outreach plans 2020.
  • Communicating a network wide commitment to reach all communities: Expanding that network until it reaches a local leader embedded in every precinct and community institution nationwide. 
  • Building network capacity to provide all communities with needed support: Infusing that network with the capacity to enable an expansive group of democracy entrepreneurs to provide comprehensive support to every local leader advancing a full participation campaign in their local community.

For attendees of the 2019 Annual Conference on Citizenship, download the Whova app for the event for a closer look at the agenda, programming, speakers, and more.

Keynote Speakers and Awardees

Keynote Speaker: Civic Learning

We are delighted to announce that John King, Former U.S. Secretary of Education and President & CEO of The Education Trust will be our keynote speaker for our session on Civic Learning.

Citizen of the Year Award: Desmond Meade

On Wednesday, we will present NCoC’s Citizen of the Year award to Desmond Meade, the founder and Executive Director of the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition. Meade was instrumental in helping pass Florida Amendment 4, a state initiative that restored voting rights to over 1.4 million Floridians with previous felony convictions.



For those interested in booking a hotel room, we’ve set up a block of hotel rooms at the College Park Marriott. Rooms can be reserved using this link.


There is ample free parking at the College Park Marriott 3501 University Boulevard East, Hyattsville, MD, 20783.


The closest Metro station is the College Park metro on the green line.

What if I have dietary restrictions?

After you enter your personal information in the registration fields, you are able to indicate any dietary restrictions. We will pass on this information to our caterer so there will be sufficient alternatives. Contact conference@ncoc.org with any questions or concerns.

2019 Conference Sponsors

2019 Conference Partners

University of Maryland School of Public Policy

Democracy Entrepreneurs

Mile 22

Bridge Alliance

If you need any assistance, please contact the NCoC Office Manager, Angela Holden, at aholden@ncoc.org.