The 2017 Annual Conference on Citizenship, taking place on October 19-20, 2017 in Washington DC, will convene individuals and organizations interested in strengthening civic life in America. With a focus on increasing equity, diversity and inclusion, participants will be challenged to consider the role of civic health as a measure of a community’s ability to address issues of concern. We think of “Civic Life” for a community as all the acts of civic engagement and associated norms and values of its members.

We think of “Civic Health” as the manner in which communities organize to define and address public problems. NCoC’s Civic Health Index is a measure of civic health. “Civic Renewal” is a process that leads to better social outcomes. In the civic renewal frame, stakeholders in a community engage to set a vision and proceed collectively to remove the hindrances to achieving that vision; and build the community infrastructure to achieve the vision and sustain the work. At the core of our joint efforts is the belief that every person has the ability to help their community and country thrive. Strengthening civic life in America is our goal.

You are invited to join NCoC as a 2017 Annual Conference on Citizenship Partner.  We look forward to learning from you and highlighting your efforts to build strong, resilient and inclusive communities.


  • Partners mentioned on Conference homepage and as appropriate in other announcements.
  • Partners mentioned in Conference event program.
  • Opportunity to share your message with a broad audience, including sharing resource table materials at the event.
  • 2 comped registration fees.


  • Advise NCoC regarding how best to ensure that issues of concern to you are considered in conference planning.
  • Share conference information and invite your network to engage in the conference.
  • Share information via email announcements, newsletters, social media platforms, etc.

Fill out the form below if you are interested in becoming a Conference Partner: