Social Entrepreneurship

The Corporation for National and Community Service released a Notice of Federal Funds Availability (NOFA) for the newly-created Social Innovation Fund (SIF). Applications are due by April 8, 2010, 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

The SIF, authorized by the 2009 Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, is specifically designed to: Promote public and private investments in effective nonprofit community organizations to help them replicate and expand to serve more low-income communities; create new knowledge about how to solve critical social challenges; and develop the grantmaking infrastructure necessary to support the work of social innovation in communities across the country.

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Economist article discusses how America and Britain governments hope that a partnership with “social entrepreneurs” can solve some of society’s most intractable problems

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Social entrepreneurship are certainly a buzz word today—a phrase that combines business sense with a do-gooder moral compass. But what does the term mean when put into practice?

In many ways, it overlaps with charity work and business entrepreneurship, but we should really understand how it is different (if it is) so that the public and private sector better understand their roles when interacting with these enterprises.

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