A new program that prepares senior technology leaders with the skills critical to government service and public policy.
The Tech Executive Leadership Initiative (TELI) is a pilot 8 week skills-building initiative to prepare experienced technology leaders to engage effectively with public sector challenges. The TELI pilot is a collaboration of Project Redesign at NCoC, the Aspen Tech Policy Hub, and the Tech Talent Project.
The Curriculum
TELI provides senior technology professionals with a unique leadership opportunity to build their executive skills through real-world engagement with government, policy, and human-centered design. Through experiential learning with real service delivery challenges, leaders hone their skills to work effectively with dedicated public servants and mitigate risk on technology projects.
The inaugural leadership training program, which was fully remote in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, began on August 22nd and ran part-time through mid-October 2020.
Syllabus for the Tech Executive Leadership Initiative.
Learn more about TELI at the Aspen Institute website.
Lessons Learned from Those Who Experienced It
Transitioning from the private to public sector by Dana Chisnell
Preparing technologists for public sector work through a remote, part-time program: TELI by Dana Chisnell