August 27, 2010
Voices for National Service Capitol Hill Day September 15–16, 2010 Washington, DC There is only one week left to register for the 2010 Voices for National Service Capitol Hill Day. Registration will close on September 1. MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD This fall, as pressure builds to control spending and cut the deficit, Congress will be forced to make tough decisions about funding priorities. The Labor–HHS subcommittees in both the House and the Senate have recommended funding levels for the Corporation for National and Community Service below the President’s request of $1.42 billion. The President has requested that Congress increase the agency’s budget by 23% over last year, and we must demonstrate that there is a significant need and a strong demand for this additional funding. There is still time to influence the appropriations process, if we effectively engage our legislators. The National Service Capitol Hill Day provides our movement a critical opportunity to explain directly to our legislators the tremendous impact of federally funded service participants in local communities across America.